Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm trying to eat more healthily but it is hard if I have no way of keeping myself accountable, especially since I'm currently residing in an area where health and fitness aren't exactly emphasized. I also want to recommit to veganism. I have slipped into eating dairy once in a while which I am not proud of. Today, well, right now, I recommit to being free of animal products. The animals and the environment deserve it.

So, here I am going to log my workouts, my healthy eats, my challenges and triumphs, inspiration, and all that jazz. I'm not overweight but I want to get into better shape, get stronger ( in other words be able to do 10-15 push ups instead of barely 3), have more definition, more energy, and a lower body fat percentage, blah, blah, blah. Most importantly, working out and eating well contribute greatly to my sanity, something I cherish dearly. I've already lost like 9 or 10 lbs since I started trying to get into shape and eat better and I'd like to lose another 10-15 or so to get back to my pre-freshman 25 weight. 'Tis all.

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